

Amidst the abundant pine and deodar forests of Himachal also grow walnut, horse chestnut, wild black mulberry and birch--the basic material for Himachal woodcraft.

Woodcraft is an ancient traditional art prized for its delicacy and detail. Ancient treatises have been written on the subjects of carpentry and carving on wood. Wood workers occupied an esteemed-place in society for they made the chariots for the warriors, and also drove them. Evidence of Himachal woodcraft is to be found in old buildings-on seats, doors, windows and panels. Most notable was the Vice-regal Lodge at Shimla with its beautifully carved ceilings and panels. The present day wood work displays all the intricacy of the old. The main objects of work are fruit-bowls, beer mugs, wooden jewellery and carved images, both romantic and mythological in origin.

All along the crystal clear streams of Himachal grow the bamboo and the willow. When winter approaches, the hill people strip the bamboo. And when the country-side is blanketed with snow they sit around cosy fires and fashion intricate and sturdy bowls, trays and baskets out of the dried bamboo. Oval-shaped lotus-shaped or egg baskets with tall graceful handles are some of the typical basket patterns of Himachal Pradesh.