

Origin and Developement :-
Ayurveda is a science which evolved in India around 600 B.C. legend has it that ayurveda system of medicine was instructed to the ancient sages by the gods themselves. It is not just another system of medicine, it is indeed a science and way of life. It is the harmony of body, mind and soul. The word itself is derived from two sanskrit words - AYU meaning life and VEDA meaning knowledge. Ayurveda always stressed on the prevention of body ailments in addition to curing them. It believes in the treatment of not just the affected part but the body as a whole, making it the natural way to refresh yourself, eliminate all toxic imbalances from the body and thus regain resistance and good health. This science focuses on living life naturally and teaches how to live in this universe without disturbing the delicate balance of nature. According to ayurvedic texts, the human body is comprised of five elements of nature: ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Ether - is space, in particular the cellular, synaptic and visceral spaces which allow the tissues to function efficiently.
Air - governs movement in the body. The sensation that is felt when someone touches The skin is transported to the brain through movement. Other examples include breathing through the movement of diaphragm as well as shifting of thoughts & desires.
Fire - represents the qualities of change and transformation. It is therefore, the element Relative to disgestion, absorption, assimilation and body temperature.
Water - takes many forms in the body such as saliva, plasma, mucus and urine - at the Same time it is necessary for healthy cell functions.
Earth - is the element which forms the solid structures of the body like bones, cartilage, teeth and skin etc.

The 3 doshas are:
VATA - is the combination of the air and ether.
PITTA - is the combination of water and the fire.
KAPAH - is the combination of water and the earth elements.

The Science of Life :-
Ayurveda, with its tridosha or three humours system, is able to provide a complete understanding of the cause of health in terms of metabolic balance. Disease is simply understood as an imbalance between the nerve energy (vata), catabolic fire energy (pitta) and anabolic nutritive energy (kapha). Ayurveda aims to solve many health problems.

Beauty care through Ayurveda :-
In Ayurveda, health promotion, beauty management and healing rely on freeing the body of ama(toxic material resulting from incomplete digestion), restoring sound cellular nutrition, facilitating complete elimination and re-establishing the balance of the doshas. Ayurvedic rejuvennation therapy can be used as a program to improve good health, enhance natural good looks,or initiate cure of a disorder. It is also an excellent, completely fresh start in the process of making health supporting lifestyle changes.